Which ACS journals are included in this agreement?
The table below shows the ACS journals where your article publishing charge (APC) may be covered by your institution. Please contact your librarian to determine if coverage is available.
Journal / Collection | Included in Agreement? | |
ACS Central Science | Diamond open access: Free to publish and read | |
ACS Omega | APC covered | |
ACS Au family (including JACS Au) | APC covered | |
Artificial PhotosynthesisChem & Bio EngineeringChemical & Biomedical ImagingEnvironment & HealthPhoton SciencePolymer Science & TechnologyPrecision Chemistry | Waivers available: see individual journals for information | |
ACS hybrid journals | APC covered |
Publish open access at no cost
If your institution has subscribed to ACS via ANKOS (Anatolian University Libraries Consortium) and you are the submitting corresponding author, you may have the opportunity to publish your research in any ACS journal under a CC BY open access license with your institution’s support.
Access to All ACS Journals
In addition to open access publication benefits, participants in this special agreement will have full-text access to all current ACS Publications journal content.
Scroll down to find out how to publish open access at no cost under this agreement.
Participating institutions
Institution Name | Institution Name | Institution Name |
Abdullah Gul Universitesi | Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi | Necmettin Erbakan Universitesi |
Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar Universitesi | Gazi Universitesi | Nigde Omer Halisdemir Universitesi |
Anadolu Universitesi | Gebze Teknik Universitesi | Ordu Universitesi |
Ankara Universitesi | Hacettepe Universitesi | Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi |
Ataturk Universitesi | Harran Universitesi | Ozyegin Universitesi |
Bahcesehir Universitesi | Inonu Universitesi | Sabanci Universitesi |
Bartin Universitesi | Istanbul Teknik Universitesi | Sivas Cumhuriyet Universitesi |
Bezmialem Vakif Universitesi | Istanbul Universitesi-Cerrahpasa | Suleyman Demirel Universitesi |
Bilkent Universitesi | Izmir Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitusu | Tekirdag Namik Kemal Universitesi |
Bingol Universitesi | Kadir Has Universitesi | TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Universitesi |
Bogazici Universitesi | Koc Universitesi | TUBITAK ULAKBIM |
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi | Kocaeli Universitesi | Turkish Energy, Nuclear and Mineral Research Agency (TENMAK) |
Dogu Akdeniz Universitesi | Konya Teknik Universitesi | Yuzuncu Yil Universitesi |
Dokuz Eylul Universitesi | Malatya Turgut Ozal Universitesi | Usak Universitesi |
Ege Universitesi | Mersin Universitesi | Yeditepe Universitesi |
Erciyes Universitesi | Mugla Sitki Kocman Universitesi | Yildiz Teknik Universitesi |
I’m a prospective author, how do I publish open access?
Step 1
Contact your librarian prior to submission to determine if your institution will cover your article publishing charge (APC) through the agreement.
Step 2
Submit your article to the ACS journal of your choice, making sure you are the submitting corresponding author.
Step 3
Ensure your institution affiliation is correct on your profile in the ACS Publishing Center.
Step 4
Check that your affiliation is stated in the body of the manuscript as the corresponding author’s affiliation.
Step 5
When your manuscript has been accepted for publication, you will be automatically prompted with the option to publish open access under your institution’s agreement.
Step 6
Confirm that “Yes, I wish to publish open access as per the agreement” is checked, and complete the Journal Publishing Agreement.
Step 7
Your institution will be alerted to your open access funding request. If the request is approved, your article will be made immediately available as open access upon publication under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license. There are no charges to pay and no further action required by either you or your institution.
Video demonstration
This demo video shows you how to navigate the Journal Publishing Agreement assistant and publish your research open access under your institutional open access agreement:
Automatic article deposit
Authors who elect to publish open access will automatically have their final published article sent for deposit in PubMed Central. Please note all contents accepted for US PubMed Central are automatically mirrored on Europe PMC — nothing more is required on your part. Authors publishing open access under this agreement are also free to deposit their accepted manuscript in their institutional and/or research funder’s designated open access repository.