Special Country Pricing

ACS special country pricing policy

ACS offers significantly discounted APC prices to papers in ACS fully open access journals whose submitting corresponding authors are based in countries classified by the World Bank as low-income economies as of August 2024.

Research articles whose submitting corresponding authors have a current primary affiliation based in a country classified by the World bank as lower-middle-income economies are eligible for discounted APC prices depending on origin, venue and license chosen with pricing between $965-1750, as detailed in the table below.

Special country prices apply to publications in ACS fully open access journals only. Authors qualifying for Country B pricing and who are ACS premium members will be eligible to receive the $250 USD member discount.

Submitting corresponding authors who are eligible for special pricing based on their primary affiliation, and who choose the zero-embargo green open access route when publishing with ACS, will receive the same level of discount on their article development charge.

Special country pricing for open access publications is automatically applied to eligible articles, based on the submitting corresponding author’s affiliation.

Journal Group A Group B
ACS Central Science $0 $0
ACS Omega $0 $965
ACS Au Journals (CC BY) $0 $1750
ACS Au Journals (CC BY-NC-ND) $0 $1500
Other fully open access journals (CC BY) $0 $1750
Other fully open access journals (CC BY-NC-ND) $0 $1500
Group A Group B Group B continued
Afghanistan Angola Mauritania
Burkina Faso Bangladesh Micronesia (Federated States of)
Burundi Benin Morocco
Chad Bhutan Myanmar
Central African Republic Bolivia Nicaragua
Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cambodia Nigeria
Eritrea Cameroon Nepal
Ethiopia Comoros Pakistan
Gambia Congo, Republic of the Palestine, State of
Guinea-Bissau Côte d’Ivoire Papua New Guinea
Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Cabo Verde Philippines
Liberia Djibouti Samoa
Madagascar Egypt São Tomé and Principe
Mali Eswatini Senegal
Malawi Ghana Solomon Islands
Mozambique Guinea Sri Lanka
Niger Haiti Tajikistan
Rwanda Honduras Tanzania, United Republic of
Sierra Leone India Timor-Leste
Somalia Jordan Tunisia
South Sudan Kenya Uzbekistan
Sudan Kiribati Vanuatu
Syrian Arab Republic Kyrgyzstan Venezuela
Togo Lao PDR Viet Nam
Uganda Lebanon Zambia
Yemen Lesotho Zimbabwe

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