Open Science
Helping researchers increase transparency, expand access, and broaden the range of research outputs
What is open science?
Open science is a collection of movements that aim to expand the transparency of, and access to, all aspects of the research process beyond the traditional peer reviewed article. Open science encompasses open data and code, open peer review, preprints, open access to publications, and more. This expansion supports a global effort to encourage widespread collaboration and scientific exploration, and aims to amplify the beneficial impact of primary research on society.
Interview with James Milne
Dr. James Milne, President of ACS Publications, discusses open science at ACS Publications.
ACS has a long history of supporting open science. We provide a variety of platforms, processes, products, and service enhancements that support open science goals and mandates.
ACS' history of supporting open scienceSupporting open science
Interview with Sybille Geisenheyner
Sybille Geisenheyner, Director of Open Science Strategy & Licensing at ACS Publications, discusses open science at ACS Publications.