Couperin Consortium


How does the Couperin “read and green” agreement work?

The read-and-green agreement with the Couperin Consortium provides authors publishing in an ACS hybrid journal with the option to deposit their accepted manuscript into a repository with no embargo and a Creative Commons license of their choice (CC BY or CC BY-NC-ND). The author will retain copyright on the version of record.

Authors who would like to participate in the program will need to opt-in by selecting the option to retain copyright and be allowed to deposit their manuscript when completing their Journal Publishing Agreement.

Participating Institutions

Institution nameInstitution nameInstitution name
Aix-Marseille UniversitéONERAUniversité de Montpellier
BRGM – French Geological SurveyToulouse INPUniversité de la Polynesie francaise
CEAUniversité AngersUniversité de la Nouvelle-Calédonie
CNRSUniversité des AntillesUniversité d'Orleans
École des Ponts ParisTechUniversité de BordeauxUniversité de Paris-Est Créteil Val De Marne (UPEC)
IFP Energies NouvellesUniversité de Caen NormandieUniversité Paris Cité
Inist-CnrsUniversité Claude Bernard Lyon 1Université de Paris-Saclay
INRAEUniversité d'Evry - Val-d'EssonneUniversité PSL – Mines Paris
INSA RouenUniversité Grenoble AlpesUniversité de Strasbourg
InsermUniversité Gustave Eiffel Université de Technologie de Troyes
Institut Pasteur, ParisUniversité le Havre NormandieUniversité Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier
Nantes UniversitéUniversité de LilleUniversité Rennes-I

I’m a prospective author, how do I publish?

Step 1

Submit your article to the ACS journal of your choice, making sure you are the submitting corresponding author.

Step 2

Ensure your institution affiliation is correct in the ACS Paragon Plus submission system.

Step 3

Check that your affiliation is stated in the body of the manuscript as the corresponding author’s affiliation.

Step 4

If you are publishing in a hybrid journal: When your manuscript has been accepted for publication, you will be asked if you wish to participate in the read-and-green agreement through completion of the Journal Publishing Agreement. Authors selecting the option to retain copyright and be allowed to deposit their manuscript as per the agreement are able to deposit the accepted manuscript with no embargo period with a Creative Commons license of their choice (CC-BY or CC-BY-NC-ND).

Journal Publishing Agreement [Institution] for Couperin agreement option box

Step 5

Authors publishing in a hybrid journal who elect to publish their manuscript as open access will receive a reduced APC rate as part of the program (see below). Open access is not required for authors publishing in a hybrid journal.

Gold Open Access Pricing

Submitting corresponding authors who are affiliated with a participating institution qualify for a reduced APC rate to publish gold open access in ACS hybrid journals, the ACS Au family of journals, and ACS Omega. The reduced APC rates are:

Journal / Collection CC BY License CC BY-NC-ND License
ACS hybrid journals $2,000 USD $1,500 USD
ACS Au journals included ACS Au family (including JACS Au) $1,000 USD $500 USD
ACS Omega ACS Omega $0 USD $0 USD


Access to All ACS Journals

In addition, participants in this special agreement will have full-text access to all current ACS Publications journal content.